Ongoing projects
List of projects we are currently working on or involved in (source:
- Investigating Internal Resonances in Nonlinear Mechanical Systems with Multiple Autoparametric Couplings (2025-2028), GAČR GA25-17552S
- Investigation of 3D flow structures and their effects on aeroelastic stability of turbine-blade cascades using experiment and deep learning approach (2024-2026), GAČR GA24-12144S
- Multiscale modelling of acoustics-driven fluid suspensions flows in adaptive porous structures (2024-2026), GAČR GA24-12291S
- Controllable metamaterials and smart structures: Nonlinear problems, modelling and experiments (2022-2025), GAČR GF22-00863K
- Flexoelectric periodic structures for fluid transport and energy harvesting (2023-2025), GAČR GA23-06220S
- Identification and compensation of imperfections and friction effects in joints of mechatronic systems (2023-2025), GAČR GA23-07280S
- Design of high speed blade spindle using digital twin (2023-2025), TAČR FW06010052
Finished projects
List of completed projects we have worked on or participated in (source:
- Improving the reliability of steam turbine operation considering radial bearings life (2022-2024), TAČR TK04020057
- Thermohydrodynamic effects of boundary slip and surface texturing in sliding contacts (2022-2024), GAČR GA22-29874S
- Nonlinear Acoustics and Transport Processes in Porous Periodic Structures (2021-2023), GAČR GA21-16406S
- Fast flow-field prediction using deep neural networks for solving fluid-structure interaction problems (2021-2023), GAČR GA21-31457S
- Lightweight axial fan blade for harsh operating conditions (2020-2023), TAČR FW01010153
- Research and Development of Intelligent Components of Advanced Technologies for the Pilsen Metropolitan Area (InteCom) (2018-2022), MŠMT EF17_048/0007267
- Application of Modern Technologies in Medicine and Industry (2018-2022), MŠMT EF17_048/0007280
- Dynamic and nonlinear behaviour of smart structures, modelling and optimization (2019-2022), GAČR GA19-04956S
- Research Cooperation for Higher Efficiency and Reliability of Blade Machines (2018-2022), MŠMT EF16_026/0008389
- Mechatronic tensegrities for energy efficient light robots (2020-2022), GAČR GA20-21893S
- Study of dynamic stall flutter instabilities and their consequences in turbomachinery application by mathematical, numerical and experimental methods (2020-2022), GAČR GA20-26779S
- Nonlinear dynamics of rotating systems considering fluid film instabilities with the emphasis on local effects (2017-2021), GAČR GA17-15915S
- Experimental and computational modelling of free-surface flow of non-Newtonian fluids with dispersed particles (2018-2021), GAČR GA18-25734S
- Braidded composite construction in electrical engineering - NAPREKON (2018-2021), MPO FV30382
- Aero-elastic couplings and dynamic behaviour of rotational periodic bodies (2016-2020), GAČR GA16-04546S
- Sustainability support of the centre NTIS - New Technologies for the Information Society (2015-2020), MŠMT LO1506
- Composite Insulating Constructions in Electrical Engineering (2018-2020), TAČR TH03020355
- Multi-Level Light Mechanisms with Active Structures (2015-2019), GAČR GA15-20134S
- Fluid Acoustics in Periodic Micro-Architectures (2017-2019), GAČR GA17-01618S
- Development of processes applicable to development and production of components for the space industry (2016-2019), MPO FV10400
- Centre of research and experimental development of reliable energy production (2012-2019), TAČR TE01020068
- Exploitation of virtual human model for reducing injury risk of PTW riders (2017-2019), MŠMT LTC17001
- Knowledge transfer partnership between ZČU in Pilsen and ATMOS development s.r.o. - Strength calculations (2017-2019), MPO CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_054/0009202
- Exploitation of virtual human model for reducing injury risk of PTW riders (2017-2019), MŠMT LTC17001
- Strength of materials and mechanical components based on iron: Multi-scale approach (2017-2019), GAČR GA17-12925S
- Homogenization and multi-scale computational modelling of flow and nonlinear interactions in porous smart structures (2016-2018), GAČR GA16-03823S
- MOTORIST-MOTOrcycle Rider Integrated Safety2 (2014-2018), EUROPEAN COMMISION FP7-ITN-608092
- Knowledge transfer partnership between ZČU in Pilsen and Ardat Systems s.r.o. - Software for mathematical modeling of fluid flow (2017-2018), MPO CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_013/0004517
- Research and control of instability effects in steam turbo-sets (2015-2017), TAČR TA04020613
- Modelling of acoustic wave propagation in strongly heterogeneous media, multi-scale numerical and analytical approaches (2012-2016), GAČR GAP101/12/2315
- Vacuum casting material research and process optimization through mathematical and physical modelling (2013-2016), TAČR TA03010990
- Development of processes applicable to development and production of components for the space industry (2012-2015), MZ NT13326
- Modular system of bridge constructions made of advanced composite materials (2012-2015), TAČR TA02010501
- Design of intelligent composite structures (2011-2014), GAČR GAP101/11/0288
- Low-noise rotary displacement machines (2012-2014), TAČR TA02010565
- Modelling, analysis and optimisation of vibro-impact oscillation in large rotating coupled systems (2011-2013), GAČR GPP101/11/P457
- Research of dynamic behaviour and optimalization of complex rotating systems with non-linear couplings and high damping materials (2009-2013), GAČR GA101/09/1166
- Experimental surgery - new technologies in medicine (2011-2013), MŠMT CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0049
- Microstructure oriented hierarchical modeling of brain perfusion for CT based cerebral blood flow evaluation (2009-2012), GAČR GA106/09/0740
- Relation among microscopic arrangement of biological tissues, function of cytoskeleton, and mechanical properties of living (2009-2011), GAČR GA106/09/0734
- Analytical, numerical and experimental investigation of non-stationary state of stress in a viscoelastic disc (2009-2011), GAČR GP101/09/P082
- Development of software with graphical user interface for evaluation of mechanical measurements performed on soft biological tissues (2009-2011), GAČR GP106/09/P226
- Research of new principle of mechanical sand biomechanical systems with a intelligent behaviour (2008-2011), GAČR GD101/08/H068
- Research of intelligent composite components of machine tools made of ultrahighmodulus fibers and nanoparticles modified matrix (2008-2011), GAČR GA101/08/0299
- Finite element modelling of linear, non-linear and multiscale effects in wave propagation in solids and heterogeneous media (2007-2011), GAČR GA101/07/1471
- Method of the optimal adjustment of the femoral component rotation in the total knee arthroplasty without patellar replacement and its influence on the occurence of the patellar complications (2008-2011), MZ NS9726
- Research Centre of Rail Vehicles (2005-2011), MŠMT 1M0519
- Failure prediction of heterogeneous materials, components of mechanical and biomechanical systems (2005-2011), MŠMT MSM4977751303
- Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Transonic Flow in Narrow Gaps and Microchannels (2008-2010), GAČR GA101/08/0623
- Prediction of damage and residual strength of composite materials using piezoelectric sensors and actuators (2008-2010), GAČR GP101/08/P091
- Wave propagation and degradation processes in anisotropic laminates (2006-2010), AVČR IAA200760611
- MYMOSA-MotorcYcle and MOtorcyclist SAfety (2006-2010), EUROPEAN COMMISION FP6-035965-1
- Research of rotors strength and dynamic of new heavy asynchronous motor generation (2007-2010), MPO 2A-2TP1/139
- Numerical simulation and experimental verification of composite material failure (2007-2009), GAČR GP101/07/P059
- Modelling of high-frequency vibrations and radiated noise of coupled rotating systems with a flexible stator (2007-2009), GAČR GP101/07/P231
- Application of engineering mechanics and biomechanics in transport at improvement of passive safety and comfort of occupants (2004-2008), MPO FT-TA/024
- Modelling of mechanical properties of selected living tissues from the cellular level (2005-2007), GAČR GA106/05/0219
- Biomechanics of the upper part of the urinary tract and its connection to the lower part of the urinary tract (2004-2006), GAČR GA106/04/0201
- Prediction of JR curves, plastic and fracture instabilities using constitutive relations based on void models (2003-2005), GAČR GA101/03/0731
- Mathematical modelling of two-dimensional turbulent compressible fluid flow with application to screw machines (2003-2005), GAČR GP101/03/P090
- Experimental modelling of flow in biomechanics of man (2004-2004), MŠMT 1K04008
- Mechanical modelling of the bladder-urethra complex during micturation (2003-2004), GAČR GP106/03/D007
- Development of scale continuum thermodynamics with applications in biology and biomechanics (2002-2004), GAČR GA106/02/1357
- Microphase separation and properties of supramolecular polymer systems (2002-2004), GAČR GA203/02/0653
- Modelling, identification and optimization of complex mechanical and biomechanical systems (1999-2004), MŠMT MSM235200003
- Dynamic analysis and optimisation of power components and piping systems with energy absorbing support (2000-2002), GAČR GA101/00/0345
- Modelling of tissues and organs in the pelvic region with a special focus on the urinary tract (2000-2002), GAČR GA106/00/1733
- Influence of materials non-linearities and geometrical discontinuities to stress wave propagation in solid bodies (2000-2002), GAČR GA101/00/0674
- Fatigue of machine components under multiaxial synchronized loading with phase shifts between stress components (1999-2001), GAČR GA101/99/0103
- Thermodynamical identification of instabilities of the cracked body subjected to static loading (1999-2001), GAČR GA106/99/1467
- Mathematical modelling of muscle tissue (1998-2000), GAČR GA106/98/P218
- Theoretical and experimental research of the failure prediction of structures with macrocracks (1997-1999), GAČR GA101/97/0399
- Dynamic analysis and optimization methods of complex mechanical systems (1997-1999), GAČR GA101/97/0410
- Determination of Crack Driving Force in the Large Deformation Zone of Mis-match Strength Joint (1998-1999), MŠMT ME 252
- Biomechanics of the lower part of the urinary tract (1997-1999), GAČR GA106/97/0397