List of articles published in journals with impact factor in the last 5 years (source:
- Beránek, V., Nováček, V., Šťastný, P., Bacik, B., Bońkowski, T., The Effect of Protective Mat Thickness on the Upper Limb Strike Force Simulation in Combat Sports and Self Defense, JOURNAL OF HUMAN KINETICS 94 (2024), pp. 47-63
- Byrtus, M., Dyk, Š., Self-induced non-synchronous resonance phenomena and stability in reduced aero-elastic system, COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 137 (2024)
- Dyk, Š., Bulín, R., Rendl, J., Smolík, L., Identifying internal resonance regimes in free-vibrating systems with multiple autoparametric couplings, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION 590 (2024)
- Dyk, Š., Rendl, J., Smolík, L., Bulín, R., Energy-based analysis of quadratically coupled double pendulum with internal resonances, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION 577 (2024), pp. 1-18
- Hosseinkhani, A., Rohan, E., Multi-functional periodically heterogeneous structures for energy harvesting and vibration attenuation-effects of piezoelectricity and shunting circuits, SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 33 (2024)
- Rohan, E., Lukeš, V., Homogenization of the acoustic transmission on periodically perforated plates interacting with potential mean flow, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 438 (2024)
- Rohan, E., Lukeš, V., Homogenized model of peristaltic deformation driven flows in piezoelectric porous media, COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 302 (2024)
- Rohan, E., Nguyen, V., Naili, S., Homogenization of fluid saturated double porosity media with a new type of the contrast in the Biot mesoscopic model, APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 125 (2024), pp. 750-777
- Tajsham, A., Younesian, D., Goodini, J., Hosseinkhani, A., A new polyhedral sonic crystal for broadband sound barriers: Optimization and experimental study, APPLIED ACOUSTICS 218 (2024)
- Šulda, J., Adámek, V., Kroft, R., Transient response of non-prismatic heterogeneous viscoelastic rods and identification of their material properties, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS 105 (2024)
- Bublík, O., Heidler, V., Pecka, A., Vimmr, J., Neural-network-based fluid–structure interaction applied to vortex-induced vibration, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 428 (2023)
- Bublík, O., Heidler, V., Pecka, A., Vimmr, J., Fluid Flow Modelling Using Physics-Informed Convolutional Neural Network in Parametrised Domains, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS 37 (2023), pp. 67-81
- Bublík, O., Heidler, V., Pecka, A., Vimmr, J., Flow-Field Prediction in Periodic Domains Using a Convolution Neural Network with Hypernetwork Parametrization, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS 15 (2023), pp. 1-20
- Dvořák, R., Kolman, R., Mračko, M., Kopačka, J., Fíla, T., Jiroušek, O., Falta, J., Neuhäuserová, M., Rada, V., Adámek, V., Gonzáles, J., A., Energy-conserving interface dynamics with asynchronous direct time integration employing arbitrary time steps, COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING 413 (2023)
- Dyk, Š., Rendl, J., Bulín, R., Smolík, L., Influence of detailed ball-and-socket modelling on tilting pad journal bearings dynamics, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 111 (2023), pp. 8155-8171
- Dyk, Š., Zeman, V., Hlaváč, Z., Mechanical interaction of bowed hexagonal fuel assemblies in PWR core, PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY 161 (2023), pp. 1-10
- Hrabačka, M., Bulín, R., Hajžman, M., New actuation planning method for the analysis and design of active tensegrity structures, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 293 (2023), pp. 1-17
- Rendl, J., Byrtus, M., Dyk, Š., Smolík, L., Subcritical behaviour of short cylindrical journal bearings under periodic excitation, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 111 (2023), pp. 9957-9970
- Rohan, E., Heczko, J., Homogenization and numerical algorithms for two-scale modeling of porous media with self-contact in micropores, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 432 (2023), pp. 1-19
- Smolík, L., Dyk, Š., Rendl, J., Role of dynamic unbalance in dynamics of turbocharger rotors, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES 249 (2023)
- Smolík, L., Rendl, J., Omasta, M., Byrtus, M., Šperka, P., Polach, P., Hartl, M., Hajžman, M., Comprehensive analysis of fluid-film instability in journal bearings with mechanically indented textures, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION 546 (2023)
- Vaňková, T., Kroupa, T., Zemčík, R., Krystek, J., Zemčík, H., Identification of temperature-dependent parameters for an elastic-plastic-damage material model of 3D-printed PETG, POLYMER 284 (2023)
- Vu, B., N., Lukeš, V., Stingl, M., Rohan, E., A sequential global programming approach for two-scale optimization of homogenized multiphysics problems with application to Biot porous media, STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION 66 (2023)
- Zemčík, H., Kroupa, T., Vaňková, T., Zemčík, R., Pihera, J., Prosr, P., Kadlec, P., Šroubová, L., Müllerová, E., Martínek, P., Pavlica, R., Komárek, J., Friedl, J., Polanský, R., Hybrid steel–composite cross-arm for distribution power lines, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 322 (2023)
- Colantonio, L., Dehombreux, P., Hajžman, M., Verlinden, O., 3D projection of the LuGre friction model adapted to varying normal forces, MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS 55 (2022), pp. 267-291
- Houdek, V., Smolík, L., Kubín, Z., Impact point localization in three-dimensional structures using wavelet transform, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 179 (2022)
- Kochová, P., Malečková, A., Pálek, R., Liška, V., Bońkowski, T., Horák, M., Grajciarová, M., Tonar, Z., Porcine spleen as a model organ for blunt injury impact tests: An experimental and histological study, ANATOMIA HISTOLOGIA EMBRYOLOGIA 51 (2022), pp. 576-586
- Kolinko, Y., Malečková, A., Kochová, P., Grajciarová, M., Blassová, T., Kural, T., Trailin, A., Červenková, L., Havránková, J., Vištejnová, L., Tonarová, P., Moulisová, V., Jiřík, M., Zavaďáková, A., Tichánek, F., Liška, V., Králíčková, M., Witter, K., Tonar, Z., Using virtual microscopy for the development of sampling strategies in quantitative histology and design-based stereology, ANATOMIA HISTOLOGIA EMBRYOLOGIA 51 (2022), pp. 3-22
- Lukeš, V., Rohan, E., Homogenization of large deforming fluid-saturated porous structures, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS 110 (2022), pp. 40-63
- Massaro, M. S., Kochová, P., Pálek, R., Rosendorf, J., Červenková, L., Dahmen, U., Liška, V., Moulisová, V., Decellularization of porcine carotid arteries: From the vessel to the high-quality scaffold in five hours, FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 10 (2022), pp. 1-18
- Parma, S., Červ, J., Adámek, V., Plešek, J., Secular equations for Rayleigh waves in 2D anisotropic media - Transition from the implicit to explicit representation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS 14 (2022)
- Rohan, E., Lukeš, V., Homogenization of the vibro-acoustic transmission on periodically perforated elastic plates with arrays of resonators, APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 111 (2022), pp. 201-227
- Troup, O., Skalický, A., Vištejnová, L., Klein, P., Malečková, A., Florová, B., Malkus, T., Moláček, J., Třeška, V., Kříž, M., Zeman, J., Skalický, T., Bevacizumab does not inhibit the formation of liver vessels and liver regeneration following major hepatectomy: A large animal model study,IN VIVO 36 (2022), pp. 1083-1094
- Adámek, V., Berezovski, A., Mračko, M., Kolman, R., A two-layer elastic strip under transverse impact loading: Analytical solution, finite element, and finite volume simulations, MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION 189 (2021), pp. 126-140
- Bek, L., Kottner, R., Laš, V., Material model for simulation of progressive damage of composite materials using 3D Puck failure criterion, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 259 (2021), pp. 1-8
- Bublík, O., Lobovský, L., Heidler, V., Mandys, T., Vimmr, J., Experimental validation of numerical simulations of free surface flow within casting mold cavities, ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS 38 (2021), pp. 4024-4046
- Bulín, R., Dyk, Š., Hajžman, M., Nonlinear dynamics of flexible slender structures moving in a limited space with application in nuclear reactors, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 104 (2021), pp. 3561-3579
- Bulín, R., Hajžman, M., Efficient computational approaches for analysis of thin and flexible multibody structures, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 103 (2021), pp. 2475-2492
- Burkert, J., Kochová, P., Tonar, Z., Cimrman, R., Blassová, T., Jashari, R., Fiala, R., Špatenka, J., The time has come to extend the expiration limit of cryopreserved allograft heart valves, CELL AND TISSUE BANKING 22 (2021), pp. 161-184
- Heczko, J., Kottner, R., Kossa, A., Rubber ageing at elevated temperature — Model calibration, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS 89 (2021)
- Heidler, V., Bublík, O., Pecka, A., Vimmr, J., Eulerian-Lagrangian and Eulerian-Eulerian approaches for the simulation of particle-laden free surface flows using the lattice Boltzmann method, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 398 (2021)
- Hynčík, L., Kochová, P., Špička, J., Bońkowski, T., Cimrman, R., Kaňáková, S., Kottner, R., Pašek, M., Identification of the LLDPE constitutive material model for energy absorption in impact applications, POLYMERS 13 (2021)
- Jonášová, A., Vimmr, J., On the relevance of boundary conditions and viscosity models in blood flow simulations in patient‐specific aorto‐coronary bypass models, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING 37 (2021)
- Lobovský, L., Bublík, O., Heidler, V., Vimmr, J., Numerical and experimental prediction of free surface flow of shear-thinning fluids, COMPUTERS & FLUIDS 225 (2021), pp. 1-11
- Malečková, A., Kochová, P., Pálek, R., Liška, V., Mik, P., Bońkowski, T., Horák, M., Tonar, Z., Blunt injury of liver – mechanical response of porcine liver in experimental impact test, PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT 42 (2021)
- Mračko, M., Adámek, V., Berezovski, A., Kober, J., Kolman, R., Experimental, analytical, and numerical study of transient elastic waves from a localized source in an aluminium strip, APPLIED ACOUSTICS 178 (2021)
- Nalos, L., Jarkovská, D., Švíglerová, J., Süß, A., Záleský, J., Rajdl, D., Krejčová, M., Kuncová, J., Rosenberg, J., Štengl, M., TdP incidence in methoxamine-sensitized rabbit model is reduced with age but not influenced by hypercholesterolemia, FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY 12 (2021), pp. 1-11
- Rendl, J., Dyk, Š., Smolík, L., Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a tilting pad journal bearing subjected to pad fluttering, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 105 (2021), pp. 2133-2156
- Rohan, E., Camprová Turjanicová, J., Liška, V., Geometrical model of lobular structure and its importance for the liver perfusion analysis, PLOS ONE 16 (2021), pp. 1-21
- Rohan, E., Camprová Turjanicová, J., Lukeš, V., Multiscale modelling and simulations of tissue perfusion using the Biot-Darcy-Brinkman model, COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 251 (2021), pp. 1-21
- Rohan, E., Cimrman, R., Modelling wave dispersion in fluid saturating periodic scaffolds, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 410 (2021), pp. 1-29
- Rohan, E., Cimrman, R., Naili, S., Modelling of acoustic waves in homogenized fluid-saturated deforming poroelastic periodic structures under permanent flow, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 394 (2021), pp. 1-27
- Rohan, E., Nquyen, V., Naili, S., Homogenization approach and Floquet-Bloch theory for wave analysis in fluid-saturated porous media with mesoscopic heterogeneities, APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 91 (2021), pp. 1-23
- Salášek, M., Havránek, P., Havlas, V., Pavelka, T., Pešl, T., Stančák, A., Hendrych, J., Džupa, V., Paediatric pelvic injuries: A retrospective epidemiological study from four level 1 trauma centers, INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS 45 (2021), pp. 2033-2048
- Salášek, M., Lobovský, L., Hluchá, J., Krystek, J., Křen, J., Comparison of modified transiliac internal fixators: Mechanical testing on pelvic models, ACTA CHIRURGIAE ORTHOPAEDICAE ET TRAUMATOLOGIAE CECHOSLOVACA 88 (2021), pp. 333-338
- Zeman, V., Dyk, Š., Hlaváč, Z., Two-stage modelling of hexagonal fuel assemblies vibration considering mechanical nonlinearities, PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY 138 (2021), pp. 1-12
- Dyk, Š., Smolík, L., Rendl, J., Predictive capability of various linearization approaches for floating-ring bearings in nonlinear dynamics of turbochargers, MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY 149 (2020), pp. 1-18
- Havelková, L., Krofta, L., Kochová, P., Liška, V., Kališ, V., Feyereisl, J., Persistent occiput posterior position and stress distribution in levator ani muscle during vaginal delivery computed by a finite element model, INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL 31 (2020), pp. 1315-1324
- Mandys, T., Kroupa, T., Laš, V., The non-linear sandwich structure model for low-velocity impact, TEHNICKI VJESNIK-TECHNICAL GAZETTE 27 (2020), pp. 5-11
- Rohan, E., Heczko, J., Homogenization and numerical modelling of poroelastic materials with self-contact in the microstructure, COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 230 (2020), pp. 1-18
- Rohan, E., Naili, S., Homogenization of the fluid–structure interaction in acoustics of porous media perfused by viscous fluid, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK 71 (2020), pp. 1-28
- Rohan, E., Nguyen, V., Naili, S., Numerical modelling of waves in double-porosity Biot medium, COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 232 (2020), pp. 1-14
- Salášek, M., Šlechtová, J., Pavelka, T., Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia after total knee replacement, ACTA CHIRURGIAE ORTHOPAEDICAE ET TRAUMATOLOGIAE CECHOSLOVACA 87 (2020), pp. 129-133
- Smolík, L., Dyk, Š., Towards efficient and vibration-reducing full-floating ring bearings in turbochargers, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES 175 (2020)